Top Rated Seller

Anne Zarraonandia is a top rated eBay power seller and has been selling on eBay since 1998.
Known as AnneZ, her eBay store: A to Z Pirate Booty has a wide range of assorted items for sale.
She is a trading assistant (sells on consignment for others) and eBay education specialist as well (teaches ebay to others).

Helps Others Learn eBay

Anne has produced a HOW-TO Online Course called “The ABC’s of Selling Online Using eBay”.
Learn from a Real PRO, what are you waiting for?

10 Fun Bio Facts

Anne Z is:

Tennis Ball


Mt Shasta, CA



  • A film-maker – The Shasta Bowl documentary is a tribute to a long time family family tournament unlike any other tournament!



What's Up Doc?








  • Left-handed





Disney Pins



  • Collects Disney attraction (ride) pins and LOVES Disneyland




Star Wars Land - The Galaxy's Edge
The New Star Wars Land – The Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland









  • Personal Website – Anne Z on the Web – You can find ALL of Anne’s websites here!






  • Loves chocolate





The pool at the Garland Hotel in LA




  • Loves swimming




Guitar Autographed by Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead




  • Is learning to play the guitar!






Anne & her Fender Electric Guitar







  • Plays pickleball every week

What do you have in common with Anne?

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